Confidence, Character & Community
Gavin and Jillian Nicol have been directors of the Music Education Centre for over 20 years. The Music Education Centre is a family owned and operated music school offering instrumental, voice, masterclasses, kindermusik and choir programs. Having been established since 1996, the Music School has a long standing connection with the local community. The Music School is a hub for musical achievement and provides an optimal learning environment, well equipped studios, great teachers with parking at the door.
Whatever your age, whatever your music goal, the Music Education Centre can take you there!
All of our teachers at the Music Education Centre are professional musicians who are passionate about their chosen instrument. To be a teacher at the Music Education Centre you have to be accomplished on your instrument, knowledgeable about your instrument, knowledgeable about music-in-general, passionate about music, be a cheerful sort of person, and above all, be able to teach!
All teachers have tertiary or equivalent qualifications in music. They also have experience as performers, and most would be working musicians who gig every week. Many would also have experience in the recording studio and as songwriters. And, of course, all teachers have their Blue Card (a legal requirement for anyone working with children)